Products That Use To Not Be A Luxury Item Why Bailout The Auto Makers, Or Any Of The Companies Who Have Failed To Use Sustainable Practices.?
Why bailout the auto makers, or any of the companies who have failed to use sustainable practices.? - products that use to not be a luxury item
All these people are paid for that work is not done. Why should we pay again done a good job, if people were willing to have done paid work and successful. Calling all Directors, in Congress and take back their salaries and bonuses, and then apply the setting and not the company. Companies falling like dominoes, because they are all in bed with the corruption of another. None of them has enough to protect themselves from dependence on others for corruption. Automobile manufacturers do not operate a service for the United States. He deceived the United States in the purchase of products that do not need to, and the environment when used as consumables harm. Cars are tools that need a lot of us, but the sales only to those who neednot so long that they sell as a status symbol and as plush. People who are for this opulent lifestyle not real Americans or those who bought. This is an important attempt to produce a large hierarchy, where the governors feel irresponsible in the production and economical to create. I repeat that those companies that do not deserve to be in society. I say we must seize the assets of the individuals concerned, and use it to build new businesses. I think it is ridiculous to say that we did not manage to social programs for the people, but we will pay the contractor of their salary in order to destroy businesses, then we have a social policy, this means multi-million poor and companies. When will we march them to their rich neighborsShowcase with our pitchforks and torches? When will we begin to politicians who support this betrayal, as the traitors they are. I say let them fall or be prepared to fall with them.
See how Hitler received from his own people began to oppose him! America is no different. People are sheeple!
and not work the first tranche of 700 million U.S. dollars for another bllion 250th Automotive industry is making a selfish, no major changes will be how to ensure that if they do not then get the loan from Busniess and not in a position to build cars, and we all suffer because 'they get their wish. can be solved with big changes, but I do cuz I mean, he used to put so much money in classical dance, while one of the better-paid jobs that do not want to lose a little money more easily. I think greed. Do not you think?
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