Symptoms Of Depression In Children What Are Symptoms Of Child Depression ?

What are symptoms of child depression ? - symptoms of depression in children

They should be there, it seems a security problem.

He needs professional help. I want to alert your teacher if you are not able to convince his parents first. It can be bullied or a victim in any way or experience a chemical imbalance or a physical problem that causes this kind of attitude depressed.


kelly e said...

I would say that the classic symptoms of withdrawal
Loss of appetite or increase
The loss of sleep, or go to sleep - or much sleep
not to participate in normal social situations
He wants to own a lot.
Tabs on small objects
He seems impatient
no school
often ill (avoidance of school).

Depending on your child's teacher and doctor.

lilmissm... said...

Emotional signals

Moods and emotions typical of children who are suffering from depression:

- Sadness The child is depressed and hopeless. You can easily cry. Some children may hide their tears to be removed.

Loss of interest or pleasure - A child who always loved the sport, may suddenly decide, for example, to test for the team this year. You can complain about the feeling of "boredom" or participate reject an invitation to participate in an activity, I have always loved in the past.

- The fear of the child may be anxious, tense and panic. The source of their anxiety and can have a clue to the cause of depression is.

- Turmoil The child may feel anxious and irritable. It is possible that the cattle or explode with rage, the fear they feel after.

Cognitive signs

A depressive mood can lead to negative to suggest ideas. This one-sided thinking can help to perpetuate the problem because it test childrenWords of encouragement and advice. Once the depression is much more receptive to helping the child. Signs shall comply with:

Difficulty organizing - People with depression often have problems concentrating or remembering. In children this can be demonstrated by problems at school or inability to perform duties.

Negative view - People with depression may be pessimistic, as they themselves, their lives and their world in a very negative.

Worthlessness and guilt - May depressed children will benefit from the inadequacies and failures, possessed an enormous guilt and declared invalid.

Suffer from helplessness and hopelessness - Children with depression often feel that I can do nothing to alleviate their feelings of depression. In particular, a child may suffer from dysthymia to say that this "just so" because it is the only experience.

Feelings of isolation - A child who can take up the frequency is very sensitive to slights oftheir peers.

Suicidal ideation - thoughts of death is not restricted to adults. Children may also wish to see, they were dead, and bring these thoughts.

Physical signs

Depression is not just a disease of the mind. Produce changes in us physically.

Changes in appetite or weight - Many people with depression find that your appetite and increases or decreases. Children often have suddenly lost appetite in May, interest in food. Children can react in the opposite way, however, handle the food themselves, their feelings.

Have sleep disorders - children with depression, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, when they do. You can wake up too early or sleeping too much. You may have trouble staying awake during the school day.

Laziness children suffer from depression, often speak to react and go a little slower. You can also less active and playful than usual.

Agitation - depressed children may show signs of nervousness or excitement, will not be able to remain in force.

Behavioral Signs

These signals are the most obvious and easily recognized.

Revocation and withdrawal - Children with depression may prevent or fun and daily tasks. You can guarantee your friends and family. The bedroom can become a favorite place to escape and find solitude.

Detention and demanding - The depressed child may be more links to specific and act with an exaggerated sense of insecurity.

Activities more - a depressed child may be out of control with respect to certain activities. He or she can spend hours playing a video game or excessive eating.

- Unrest fears that may be caused by depression, leading to behaviors such as agitation, this to class or reckless conduct

Self-mutilation - People with depression can cause physical pain or risking too much. Self-mutilation is an example of this behavior.

If you suspect a child is depressed, the next step is to seek professionalHelp for the diagnosis and treatment.

Good luck and message me if you have any questions!

rosie said...

I have a cousin to suicide 8 years and provide a deep depression in 5 years. You can usually tell just by how they act. with children is very easy to say, because most children always happy and have nothing to be sad. certain situations, usually Bring it on in a child. 5 years old, has an autistic brother has the whole time her mother, and energy. its very sad for his mother, also tend not only to the fact that they forgot their hands full. Adopted 8 years from Russia and has teased a speech evil and the evil in the school.

We hope this information will help

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