Fertility Tester Regarding Fertility Testers..Input Would Be Appreciated Esp If U Have Used Maybe Baby Or Clearblue Monitor?

Regarding Fertility testers..Input would be appreciated esp if u have used Maybe baby or Clearblue Monitor? - fertility tester

I've been using "Maybe Baby" for some time, and it seems not always the same show, even though it "should" be fruitful. I just discovered Clearblue Fertility Monitor looks good. I have no research when buying baby Maybe I will, I'll be 100% sure before buying the Clearblue.
The question is:
Do you have experience, and Maybe Baby?
Have Clearblue Fertility Monitor and experience?
Even in Australia, where I can buy the Clearblue?
Is there anything that you could recommend?
Baby dust, all attempt


Kim S said...

I havent used Maybe Baby, but I have the Clearblue monitor and it worked very well for us. I hope that after my neighbor recommended because they have few friends and have been used with success (who at the age of 30 years in the mid 40s and early pregnancy to 34) and much research is needed. We're trying to get pregnant was the first month of using the monitor b / c my husband left the city during the fertile period, but it was two months pregnant for the first time (that I tried to use the monitor). The monitor is not exactly the first few months of B / C is the "learning" cycle at this point. You must follow the instructions .... Some people try to skimp on the use of test strips to save money, but it affects the accuracy of the screen. The first month, you should use several strips in the first few months to catch in a position to the egg. Once the system "learns" your cycle, you use less tape. In addition to the superior accuracy in a cup of water and dip the stick in place on the strip even urinate. My c fertilityATUS was less advanced (I) had a high reading, but that's okay, as they only said that my LH and the release of estrogen in essentially the same, that the monitor is not working properly. The monitor is for sale only for women 21 to 42 cycles, so if longer or shorter may not be suitable for you work. One last thing ... I also recommend charting your basal body temperature, may apply to the use of the monitor so you "check" against the monitor. I also have the right to monitor my basal body temperature, so that both said I was fertile at the time. I am in the U.S., so I do not know where to buy it in Australia. I have the best prices on top pregnancy.com (pretty sure this is) at the site, but I'm not shipping to Australia. Good luck and hope that it will be useful.

angella said...

My advice to the University are at the network level.
God bless

Jewels said...

Maybe Baby fertility and blue are products to determine when they are very fertile.
Do you know when you ovulate once a month or more than once?
Learned not work for me either when I really, after stops ovulating more than once a month and may not always be identical or compatible.
Ive check my ovulation, which leads out and it worked. In this way we can do much better (and cheaper) is to ask your doctor or a doctor and as measured by blood tests on your ovulation (hormone levels) were go.
If you have tests 2x a day, preferably in the morning, the doctor has the results of the afternoon, you can call and ask.
This occurs when changing the scale to start, and then try to a lack of 24 to 48 hours to. If your doctor does not feel safe doing so, you go to a gynecologist and they will do for you.
Be patient, because the first few months can be ignored (by month when you ovulateATE)?
This method is a little slow, but everything is made in Medicare and correct.
Good luck:)

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